Monday, October 5, 2009

Finally....SITTING in the big bath tub!

This one's for you, Gammy!

Ever since I graduated from my little bathtub to the big bathtub, I didn't sit during my baths! I just preferred to stand! :) Only on a rare occasion did I sit and this was when I was at Gammy and Poppy's and Gammy would play "cups" (which is a fun game of pouring water from one cup into another or filling up a cup from the faucet) with me to get me to sit. Completely out of the blue, I decided to take a seat in the bathtub the other night when mommy was bathing me! Mommy handed me my cups hoping that would help me stay seated and called down to daddy to bring up the camera!!!

Ever since.....I am still sitting in the tub!!! :)

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