Monday, September 21, 2009

The Little Things That Entertain!

"While we try to teach our children all about life our children teach us what life is all about."

I found this quote and it describes perfectly what I have been trying to put into words pretty much ever since Noah was born! Noah has taught me more than I could ever have imagined (and it has only been 17 months)! One of the biggest things being how to appreciate the little things in life....such as an empty diaper box!!! Noah entertained himself for many minutes intermittently throughout the day with what most of us would consider trash. He explored every inch of this box, both inside and outside. He experimented what happens when he climbs on top of it and how to balance himself as he climbed off of it. He tried to see if he could fit inside of it and after realizing there wasn't much room decided it was much more fun to be on top of it. Giggling and smiling the entire time!

Noah, didn't limit himself to the empty box. He found some of Bailey's bones and entertained himself giving them to Bailey and taking them away again. Then when Bailey decided he wasn't that interested (or didn't want to play with and Indian Giver anymore). Noah chased him around the house trying to give him the bones! Again, nothing but giggles and smiles the entire time!!! Whenever, I am pre-occupied with something else (usually cleaning up after a meal) and I hear Noah's giggles, I know he is usually chasing Bailey around, trying to catch him to give him hugs, trying to give him something (that he usually doesn't want bad enough to let Noah catch him), or trying to get something that Bailey has (which Bailey knows he won't get back for quite awhile if Noah does catch him).

Thank you, my Noah, for reminding me to appreciate even the little things in life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love this post:)