Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My first bath in my baby bathtub!

Well, my yellow teddy sponge is starting to get pretty old and is having trouble hiding the fact so we decided to try a bath in my little bathtub (that sits in the big bathtub) last night. My little bathtub is neat in the fact that one side is for infants (like me!) who can't sit up yet so it has a reclining back and the other side is for toddlers (or for me once I can sit up on my own). But I think I am such a big boy now and can sit up so I am ALWAYS trying. I try when you hold me, I try in my bouncer, in my car seat, in my stroller, and yes in my bathtub too. Mommy thought I looked really uncomfortable the entire bath because I just kept on trying to sit up but I really wasn't that uncomfortable. Mommy says that my bath should be my relaxing time to help prepare me to unwind and fall asleep for the night so she is having second thoughts about going back to my teddy sponge. Mommy was also a little sad for me because when I took my baths on my teddy sponge, I use to stick my feet under the running water out of the faucet and really liked doing that and in my bathtub I can't do that. I think I may be taking a bath on my yellow teddy sponge tonight!!! :) YAY!!!

What is this thing I am in?!?!
I don't know if I like this..but the wash cloth sure is yummy!
Maybe if I try to sit up and take a look around at what I am in....gammy can you help?
Mommy, can we use my yellow teddy sponge again?

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