Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A few more "firsts"!

So I thought I would start off the week by blowing mommy a kiss good-bye Monday morning when daddy and I were leaving the house to go to my sitter's. (First #1) It was one of the sweetest, cutest things, mommy said....hmmm....mommy says that about everything I do!!! :)

Tuesday morning, mommy was changing my diaper and I was playing with her cell phone to occupy myself. Mommy heard a "Hi Da" and looked up to see me holding the phone up to my ear as I was pretending to have a good 'ole conversation with my da-da in my own "Noahish" (part Noah, part English) language. (First #2) Usually my phone conversations consist of me holding the phone in front of me and pushing all of the buttons (while fitting in a "da" or "da-da" here and there). Mommy is so proud of me that I have now learned that the phone goes next to your ear and that you say "Hi" when talking on it!

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