Monday, June 16, 2008

My Great Grandma and Grandpa's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party!!!!

I went to my first party this Saturday and just had a blast! It was for my mommy's grandma and grandpa's 60th wedding anniversary. Mommy has a really, really big family so there were lots of people there (close to 125 or 150 I think). Daddy said get use to it because that is how all of mommy's family get togethers are. The really good thing is there are lots of kids in the family so when I get bigger and can run around, I will have lots of cousins to run around with!!! I'm so excited!!! I don't know the exact numbers but I think my great grandma and grandpa have approx 40 grandkids and approx 20 great grandkids. Wow, that's alot! Well, I had such a great time at the party, I have to tell you all about it.

I love being in gammy's arms!!!

None of the family had seen me yet, except my immediate aunts and gammy and poppy, so everyone was very excited to see me. I got lots of kisses and was introduced to everyone. I can't remember all of their names but mommy will show me pictures to help remind me who everyone in her family is. My great aunt Mickey has a big belly because she has a little baby in there who is going to be here in about 6 weeks. And baby boy/girl Haines already has 2 brothers and 2 sisters to help welcome him/her into the world.

I also have to tell you all about my Texas relatives. They are definitely a lively bunch and when the Texans and Ohioans get together it is always a big party! My great grandma has 3 sisters and 1 brother that live in Texas and then all of their offspring (ie. kids, grandkids, great grandkids). So if you can imagine how big my mommy's Ohio family is...and just with my great grandma's offspring...multiply that by about three (one of my great grandma's sisters doesn't have any kids) and that's how big the Texan family is!!! Not all of my Texas relatives came up for the party but alot did. I got to meet some of my 3rd, 4th and 5th cousins, and even my great, great aunts and uncle (I think that's who they are to me). A few of my Texas cousins had good news, announcing their engagements. Others mommy hadn't seen since they were little toddlers and now they are getting ready for junior high and highschool. Mommy, daddy, and I hopefully will be planning a trip to visit them again, in Texas this time, for a wedding next summer. I am so excited because I will be walking around at the time and will be able to play with all of the kids/follow them all around! Mommy says the Texans know how to through a good party and especially when people come in for weddings. They plan a week full of fun things!!!

Here are a few of my Texas cousins.

The party was very loud so I didn't take many naps...just one short one. I was really tired and mommy was going to get a bottle ready for daddy to give me so my great aunt Mary took me for a few minutes. It was only a matter of seconds and I was out like a light. Mary has the special touch because she has 4 boys of her own so she is a pro!

I slept only for a short bit and then woke up just when my great grandma and grandpa were getting ready to have their 60th wedding anniversary ceremony with the priest. I was hungry so daddy gave me a bottle at this time and daddy and I just watched from a distance.

The ceremony was very nice. It was by a gazeebo and all of my great grandma and grandpa's kids stood up by them. Great grandma looked beautiful and great grandpa looked so handsome!

They still enjoy kissing after 60 years!!! :)

Mommy, daddy, and I also got some family photos taken (well minus Bailey..he was at Aunt Kristi's with cousin Wrigley).

And mommy and aunt Kristi got a picture too!

Unfortunately, the evening came quickly and I was pooped so we said our goodbyes which took a half hour and headed back to Aunt Kristi's. I was so partied out that I slept EIGHT hours at one time that night!!! Mommy said her family needs to have a party like that every day so I sleep like that every night! :)

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