Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bailey's Ball!

Bailey and I have become such great playmates especially when it comes to playing ball together. Bailey's balls are way cooler than mine because they squeak when I squeeze them! This is how our game of ball goes.....Bailey brings mommy or daddy his ball, they wrestle him for it as I stand their watching and giggling, then once Bailey has surrendered his ball he runs in the other room waiting for it to be thrown. In the meantime, mommy or daddy hand me the ball which I have been waiting patiently for (aka. whining for), I use all of my might and squeeze the ball to make it squeak, then Bailey comes running back in the room, straight at me since I have his ball and right before he gets to me, I scream and throw the ball and laugh hysterically!!!!

I got the ball....

And muster up all of my strength....

And squeeze really hard.....
To make the squeak...the brings Bailey running!

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