Wednesday, July 22, 2009

15 Month Pediatrician Appointment

We went to go visit Dr. Sangree last Tuesday. It had been 3 months and Dr. Sangree was SO HAPPY to see me! I was a giggling machine and Dr. Sangree asked mommy and daddy if I was always this happy!!!! Yes, when I am well rested, they replied. :) Dr. Sangree and I played with the fire trucks that were in our Dr. office room. Dr. Sangree was quite impressed with me! I checked out great, got a weight update, height update....and yes, a few of those dreadful shots. I weighed 23 1/2 lbs and got to get weighed like a big boy on the big boy scale. I stood very still and patiently! It was nice to not have to get stripped down and lay on that cold, little baby scale. I was 32.25 inches tall! This puts me in the 75th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight!!!

We said our good-byes to Dr. Sangree until next time...which actually won't be until I'm 2! Dr. Sangree is going to have her 2nd baby girl in October so I will see one of Dr. Sangree's friends (another doctor in the practice) at my 18 month appointment.

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