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Faith - 3 months!
Faith is already 3 months....where has time gone!?!?! She is absolutely precious! At 3 months Faith is sleeping anywhere between 5 and 7 hour stretches at night. She is usually asleep between 6 and 7 and wakes up between 7 and 8 or sometimes 9 the next morning. She is up for an hour and a half or so in between naps and usually takes either a good morning or good afternoon nap. (Mostly afternoon and good=2.5-3.5 hours). She eats every 2-3 hours. She is a pretty happy and content baby when she is fed and rested and usually only fusses when she is tired or hungry. She doesn't care for her car seat or car very much though. She loves her bouncy seat and grabs the rings off the monkey and holds on to them for a while. She follows me around alot (with her eyes, that is) and I would say her favorite thing to do is watch me! She smiles at me alot and actually she just smiles alot. She is starting to laugh a little too. Faith is now sleeping in her own room (in the pack n play). She will get the crib in a few more weeks when Santa (aka dada) brings my big boy bed up from the basement. Faith is not interested, at all, in taking a bottle.......yes, we know, YIKES..... this is not good considering mommy does have to go back to work eventually......The plan is to try to give her a bottle every day until she finally takes it. We are on day 4 and still no luck.... hopefully, we will have a positive update soon!Faith is a little piece of heaven on earth (as am I mommy and daddy say)! We love you our baby girl!Oh, and if you didn't notice, Faith is growing nicely and is actually quite a little butterball!!! :)
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