Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A few days with Addie!

Mommy and I spent last Tuesday and Wednesday down in Columbus with Addie, Aunt Kristi, Uncle Dustin, and baby Chase. We all had a great time playing together! Addie showed me her new swing set which is very cool, we played at the sand table, ran around like typical 2 year olds laughing our heads off, we went to a splash pad and a park and the zoo (on a extremely hot 95 degree day)! But though we were all dripping with sweat it was soooo worth it. We road a train and saw the brand new Polar Bear exhibit. The Polar Bears were SO NEAT as was the train ride, of course!!! I also enjoyed entertaining and making baby Chase smile by dancing around him with Addie and giving him lots of kisses right where mommy showed me to (on his forehead)! I'm so lucky to get to "practice" being a big brother. I should have it all perfected by the time my baby sister arrives! I miss you Addie and can't wait to see you again in a few weeks!!! Will you just come move next door to me.....PULEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!?!?!?!

Cooling off at the splash pad!
Playing at the park!
Where should we go Addie?!?!
Hold on tight!
Riding the helicopter!
Relaxing and enjoying a cold drink of water!

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