Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 yr Pediatrician

I had my 2 year pediatrician appointment last week. Dr. Sangree was so happy to see me and said I looked great!!! She was so impressed with my language and the fact that I spoke in sentences that she was practically speechless! She started to ask mommy and daddy how my speech was as soon as she walked in the door but before she could even get her full sentence out, I had headed over to the book shelf, grabbed a book, brought it back to mommy and asked her, "mommy, can you read this one to Noah?"

The appointment consisted of a very quick eye exam which showed my vision was great, a weight, height, and circumference of head measurement, a look in my ears (as I had a little cold at the time), and a check of my heart and lungs. It did not consist of any vaccines, yay!!! However, I did have to get blood drawn to test for lead. Boo. :( (This is commonly done if one lives in a older home. Fortunately, our home is newer but with me going to my sitter's somewhat older home part of the week, Dr. Sangree wanted to check my blood just to be on the safe side).

I weighed 30.5 lbs which is in the 75th percentile, I was 35 1/4 inches tall which is also in the 75th percentile and my head was 48.75 cm which is in the 50th percentile.

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