Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I spent my first St. Patrick's Day dressed in green pj's and then my green "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" outfit from my Aunt Lori! It was a BEAUTIFUL day in Cleveland, Ohio...upper 60's and SUNNY! Mommy, Bailey, and I spent most of the day outside or by the sun shining through the window inside! I sure got a lot of kisses too!!!! But that's not unusual...mommy and daddy give me lots and lots of kisses EVERY day!

Mommy tried to hold a photo-shoot but since I don't sit still was a little difficult. Mommy got a few pics of me sitting and the rest were while I was on the go!
My Green PJ's
And I'm off..

But wait, mommy thought if she gave me the lens cap, I would sit still for a second.

I sat just long enough to taste it and.....

then I was off again!
My St. Patrick's Day outfit from Aunt Lori
Mommy took the picture just in time....
before I took off again.

Here I come....

to get you mommy and that big black thing you are holding.

Lightning speed!
Taking a breather..and having a snack!

Silly faces!

Admiring Mr. Sun!
NOT looking at the camera when mommy says, "Cheese!!" :)

Okay, I'll look mommy..but no smiles! :)

I'm serious, mommy! :)
And off I go again....
What, I can't touch the outlet!?!?!
Good thing I asked first!

1 comment:

Mommy and her munchkins said...

looks like it's baby proofing time!