I really, really enjoyed corn on the cob this summer. Mommy use to cut it off the cob for me because she didn't think I could eat it right off the cob. Boy, did I prove her wrong!!! :)
Mommy, daddy and I baked sugar cookies and used my star and circle cookie cutters and also added a little color with some sprinkles!!!!! I love to bake and ask mommy pretty much every day what we can bake. Oh, dear mommy says! Mommy doesn't have very strong will power when it comes to sweets and baked goods so we've resorted to baking corn bread and low fat muffins as some other options besides cookies!!! :)
As I said previously, Faith hasn't slowed us down too much. Mommy, daddy and I like to plan special activities outside of the house on a regular basis and since Faith's arrival we have managed to get out quite a few times for a few special activities. We went to Aurora Farms to feed the ducks and do a little shopping....
Oh, Gammy, MY Gammy!!! Thank you so much for spending NINE days with us and helping us out so much while we were adjusting to our new way of life with the addition of baby Faith. You are THE BEST and to quote mommy, "I don't know what I would do without you, Gammy!" You took such good care of me when mommy and daddy were at the hospital and at home if mommy or daddy had to tend to baby Faith, you are one of my best playmates (where did you learn to be such a fun playmate for a toddler??? Oh, maybe from all those years of being a preschool teacher!), and you were so helpful around the house while mommy was busy with her babies. You are so special to me Gammy and I know you are so special to mommy too...I can see it in the way she looks at you and in the way mommy looks when you have to leave. She tries to turn her back to me before she starts to cry but I can see the tears swelling up in her eyes, hear her sniffles, and see her hands go up to her face to wipe away the tears. I know. I don't know how we would have made it through week 1 of Faith being home without your help so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! And Gammy....most of all, thank you for LOVING ME SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU, GAMMY! And I am so excited for Faith to get to know her Gammy like I do. She's going to love you just as much!!!!!!!!!
Faith takes a bath on Mr. Bear sponge right now until she graduates to the big bath tub. Mommy said this is where I started too! I am a very big helper and love bathing baby Faith with mommy.
Gammy and I found a caterpillar while outside playing. We got a little dish and collected a few pieces of grass and leaves to put in the dish to make Mr. Caterpillar feel at home in his dish. Unfortunately, Mr. Caterpillar didn't care for his dish very much and made a quick mistake approximately 15 minutes after my little fingers captured him!
Do you see Mr. Caterpillar overthere on the left side of the dish!?!?!