Monday, April 4, 2011

Visiting Dada at Work!

One of our favorite week day outings is a visit to dada's work! We love being able to see dada for a little bit in the middle of the day since we ALWAYS miss him so much during the day when he is at work. We also get to see Gramps and Aunt Heather when we go to dada's work. That's icing on the cake! And I can't forget Buddy, the cat! Buddy, the cat lives in the factory and I always pay him a visit, or two, or three when we go to dada's work. Another reason why I just LOVE this outing....because Gramps gets me not one, but two treats out of the vending machine every time I come!!!! :)
Faith sitting pretty.

And standing pretty!
Dada and Faith!
Dada and his two little loves!

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