A brief recap on the 24 hours prior to my birth-Mommy and daddy went to Sushi Rock Thursday night and enjoyed some delicious (and a little spicy) sushi, mommy woke up at 6am Friday morning (she was 38 weeks to the day) complaining of minor lower back pain, mommy got out of bed every 5 minutes (which daddy was quietly keeping note of) as she felt like she had to go to the bathroom, around 8am the lower back pain had progressed from mild to uncomfortable, mommy and daddy called the Dr. who had advised them to go to the hospital, mommy and daddy arrived at the hospital around 9am and mommy's pain had progressed from uncomfortable to painful, 11:56am I WAS BORN weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and 19 and 3/4 inches long!!!
On Thursday, September 2, mommy, daddy, and I went to Sushi Rock and enjoyed some delicious (and a little spicy) sushi. Mommy had been to the Dr. that morning and mommy was 2 cm dilated. Throughout the day, mommy was feeling a little bit crampy and by the time we were headed home from sushi, mommy's crampiness had become a little worse. Mommy and daddy went to bed at 10 pm and mommy spent that first half hour watching the clock and timing her lower back contractions which were coming every 10 minutes. Mommy really wanted to make it through the night though so she wouldn't have to call anyone (specifically, Aunt Heather who had graciously agreed to be our emergency contact to come over and be with me) and wake them up so they could come over and stay with me while mommy and daddy went to the hospital. Plus, mommy really wanted to get a decent night sleep for one last night before having a newborn to tend to several times throughout the night. Mommy rolled over to tell daddy that the contractions were coming every 10 minutes but daddy was already asleep and she didn't want to wake him so she rolled back over, watched the clock for a few more minutes and surprisingly fell asleep. Mommy woke up at 2 am (on Friday, September 3rd just one day shy of 38 weeks) to stronger contractions coming every 3-5 minutes. Again, mommy was trying to buy Aunt Heather as much time as she could so laid in bed watching the clock until 3 am. During that hour mommy had thought of a dozen things that still needed done before leaving for the hospital (ie. writing down instructions for taking care of me, setting out my milk and water cups, cleaning out Finn's (the fish) bowl, etc.). She got out of bed at 3 am to start addressing these last minute things (gripping the kitchen counter in pain every 3-5 minutes). At 3:30am mommy grabbed her cell phone and took it upstairs and sat in bed. A few minutes later daddy woke up and saw mommy sitting up and asked what was wrong. This was the first time mommy informed daddy about her contractions that she had been monitoring since 10 pm the previous night. Mommy called the Dr. who instructed her to go to the hospital. Daddy called Aunt Heather who came right over. After the 45 minute car ride to the hospital (thank goodness they were driving in the middle of the night because if it was rush hour or even in the middle of the day the drive could have been twice as long or longer) and 3 quick phone calls to Gammy, Nana, and Gramps, they arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am. They put mommy right into a Labor and Delivery room, checked her cervix which was still only dilated at 2 cm, confirmed that her water had still not broke, and said they would be back in 2 hours. Mommy almost had a heart attack when they said 2 hours as she was in a great deal of pain and knew she didn't have a chance of getting any pain killers or an epidural until they came back to check her cervix and she didn't know how she was going to get through 2 hours with that kind of pain. Mommy spent the next hour gripping the bed rail, and calling...okay....calling loudly...maybe some would say screaming for help. Daddy spent that hour massaging her lower back. After an hour and no response to mommy's pleas for help, daddy went out to the nurses station asking for someone to come in and check mommy. A doctor came in to check mommy and she was now 6 cm dilated. The second mommy heard 6 cm, she asked if she could have an epidural now. Within minutes, Dr. Reider was called to come to the hospital and mommy's labor room filled with nurses and doctors preparing the room for delivery and to give mommy an epidural. Just a minute after mommy was given an epidural and she laid back down her water broke. This was something mommy said she would never forget. It felt like the biggest water balloon ever had popped inside mommy and the sound of all of that water hitting the floor with probably 10 nurses and doctors surrounding her.....was crazy....mommy never would have imagined the bag of water was that large. A couple nurses instantly grabbed a handful each of towels and soaked up the water. The flurry of activity continued and then Dr. Reider arrived!!! Dr. Reider delivered me too and he is such a great doctor and human being. He is so nice and gentle and personable and sensitive and supportive and encouraging! He constantly checked with mommy to make sure she was okay and told her she was doing great about a dozen times! That may seem like 2 small things but mommy said those 2 things about Dr. Reider made a huge difference in her labor experiences. I think mommy and daddy could go on and on about him. Dr. Reider checked mommy's cervix and said that the baby's head was right there and whenever she was ready to start pushing, he was ready! A few minutes later mommy told Dr. Reider she was ready! After 2 minutes of pushing........
Faith Ann Sobel was born at 8:02 am weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. And she was JUST PERFECT!!!
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