Sunday, June 27, 2010

My 2nd Dentist Visit

I had my 2nd dentist appointment on Saturday, June 27th. Dr. Parrish is my dentist and she is super nice and just loves me and MY TEETH! She said my teeth are just wonderful! Though, Dr. Parrish is so friendly, really it's not my favorite place to sit in the dentist chair and have her poking around in my mouth. I throw a fit and then it's over before I know it. I gladly and quickly say bye-bye to the dentist, accept my new toothbrush, pick out a few toys from the toy table and walk...I mean run out the door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you get used to it! Take care of those teeth so can have an easy time at the dentist and have a lot more fun when you get those toys at the end. Your parents are definitely proud of you and your great teeth, kid!

-Ed Mcgoldrick