Monday, September 21, 2009

The Akron Zoo!

Mommy and daddy took me to the Akron Zoo last Saturday! It was a BEAUTIFUL day with lots of sunshine and it wasn't too hot...perfect day to walk around at the zoo! That also meant most of the animals would be out enjoying the day too!

We saw penguins!

I loved the penguins!
So did mommy, as you can tell (she was in charge of the camera)! And DUCKS!!!!
You already know my feelings towards ducks!!! :)
I had a tough time saying good-bye to those ducks and moving on to see the rest of the animals!
We saw llamas!

A great big turtle who mommy says may have been the healthiest eater she has EVER seen. The poor guy had a plate full of veggies to munch on. And we did not say a plate of dessert ANYWHERE!

These are jellyfish but the picture didn't come out the best. They didn't look like any of the fish I've seen before!
We saw Lions!

And Tigers!
And Bears! Oh, my!!!!
This is a barking deer though we did not hear him bark!

One of the best parts of the Akron Zoo was the little "petting zoo" area where I could feed and touch the animals! I wasn't real interested in petting them and when it came to feeding them, I kept my distance and threw the food to them! Though I didn't want to get up close and personal with these sheep, I still thought it was very neat!
Ahhhh, enjoying a nice cold drink of water and a relaxing wagon ride!

That day at the zoo was free ice cream day for the zoo members (which, unfortunately, we were not this year). But the animals received a special treat too that day! They each got some of their food surrounded by a block of ice. Kinda like an ice cream cone! They spent the day licking their blocks of ice, trying to get to their food!

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