Monday, August 3, 2009

The Toledo Zoo!

Daddy, mommy, and I met a good childhood friend of daddy's, his nice wife, and their very cute daughter at the Toledo Zoo on Saturday. This was my first ever visit to the zoo and boy did I LOVE IT!!!! Why the Toledo Zoo you ask? Well daddy's friends live near Detroit so it was the perfect half-way point.

When we arrived to the zoo our friends were already there waiting. I met daddy's friend, Mike, his wife, Katie, and their daughter Kayla. Kayla is only 3 weeks younger than me!!! Kayla and I hit it off right away and shared some waves, smiles, and giggles. Unfortunately, we did not get the chance to share her wagon. As nice and pretty as Kayla was and as fun as her wagon looked, I wanted nothing to do with it....for some crazy reason! I hung out in my stroller....(oh, maybe 10% of the time) mommy or daddy's arms (oh, hmmmm...60% of the time)....and walked on my own (oh, 30% of the time).

Kayla and me!

We first saw the giraffe's which are one of my all time favorite animals!!!

Then the deer.....which we see all the time at home in our backyard!

And zebras!

A very cool polar bear!
Who wanted to take a little rest after he cooled off with a swim.

Then Kayla and I got real close to look for the hippo and next thing we knew, he was swimming right in front of us!

We saw the elephants!
They like to get wet too!

All kinds of monkeys!

Kayla and I ran around for a little to burn some energy!

I played on the curb, of course!
Then we saw a few great big gorillas! This one was deep in thought....thinking about his escape plan!

This gorilla was giving us the cold shoulder...he must have been having a bad day.
I loved watching them though!

Next, we went into the aquarium and saw....
an octopus!

And a couple crabs!

And lots of fish too!

Then it was time to go. We said good-bye to our friends (until next time), gave them hugs, and blew them kisses!

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