Thursday, July 9, 2009

Forward Facing!!!

After 15 months of staring at the back of the car seat, mommy and daddy finally gave in and turned me forward facing! Another plus in this process...I got to visit the fire station again since we went there to make sure my car seat was installed properly! This was a "great debate" in our house for many, many weeks (whether to turn me forward or keep me rear facing for longer) and even once the decision was made...and we arrived at the fire station mommy was still very hesitant with switching me. And since I am really good at reading mommy's mind...I know every time we get in the car, mommy thinks to herself, "maybe we should go back to the fire station and have those nice firemen turn me back around." Rear facing is a HUGE 5x's safer way for babies (like ME) to ride in the car. And though the firemen told mommy we have the BEST car seat out there and a very safe car, latch, etc. and that I am a big, strong boy...a little...or big...part of her still wishes I was rear-facing (despite the fact that I am a much, much happier passenger in the car now and she loves turning around to see my adorable, smiling face)!

So I guess, I don't know, if this is a permanent switch or not but in the meantime, I will enjoy my new view and the interesting scenery on our drives (especially where rode construction is taking place ie. the diggers, bulldozers, dump trucks, etc)!

Loving my new view!
And very happy!

So I had to call da-da and tell him all about it!

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