Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My two month pediatrician appointment

Today started out so good...I slept really good last night..7:30pm-1:15am (woke up to eat)...1:45am-5:55am (woke up to eat)...6:30am-9:15am (woke up to eat and for the day)! Then I was all smiles this morning and mommy got a few on camera. Then I was taking a really good nap and mommy had to wake me up to go to the pediatrician. I was enjoying my pediatrician appointment, smiling in daddy's lap and talking to Dr. Sangree. I weigh 11 lbs and 7 oz and am 22.5 inches long. I'm in the 25th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight! I thought I was all done when Dr. Sangree left but then a nurse came in to give me shots. I had to get 3 shots and I cried very hard and my face turned bright red. :( It was very sad and mommy felt her heart breaking again (like it did the first night when I was in my crib). A few minutes later and I was okay-content. Mommy took me home, fed me, and put me down for a nap.

Here are a few pictures of me smiling this morning:

And a picture of my battle wounds on my wittle wegs (I got Scooby Doo band-aids) :)

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